Tuesday, March 29, 2011

When is my moment?

Damn. What am I doing? I feel so lost. I want a purpose in life. I want a career! I am just sitting at home wasting my life away. Was it a mistake to quit Sephora? To be a stay at home mom to my son? Plain n simple, I want to be a makeup artist for movies. How the hell do I even get it started? Do I go to LA everyday and try to get an internship as an assistant makeup artist? Well, duh.

But first of all I can't afford the gas, and second I can't afford the gas. Sucks. I am waiting for a call from a very famous makeup line, but WHEN WILL THEY CALL!!!!!!!! I am so determined to get that job but... am I even doing things right? Should I go down to the mall and bugg the shit out of them till they call me? or make security escort me? I don't know. Okay so should I just forget my makeup dream and go be a sign language interpreter? So many unanswered questions.

Well what I have thought is no one ever became a famous makeup artist by ranting about it on a blog. I NEED to do something about it. I don't want to be 60 years old looking back on my life saying I should of could of would of.

Okay that's it.

No more wishing and moping and hoping. I am going to do something about this. I am going to get my cosmo license, I am going to get that job and make connections. I can do this. My name will be heard. I will do Lady Gaga's makeup one day! haha. I'll show everyone.

Hollywood here I come.


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